
Registration on RapidGator is done with just a few clicks. Only a few steps are needed. Everything is self-explanatory. It only takes a few minutes and you can start right away with your downloads!


Downloads as: Free Premium
Download speed: Limited Unlimited
Maximum number of simultaneous downloads: 1 Unlimited
Download restriction: 1 file per 120 minutes None
Direct download link: No Yes
Downloads start immediately: No Yes
Fast download: Limited Yes
Support for resumed downloads: No Yes
Support for download managers: Limited Yes
Estimated download time: Longer Fastest


The file hosting and file sharing service has been open since 2010. Rapidgator claims to have positioned its storage servers at central internet exchange points to ensure its users get the best possible speeds for uploading and downloading digital content.

Rapidgator offers storage space capacity depending on what premium plan the customer chooses. Download speed for regular users is limited and they have to deal with a wait time before download and resolve captcha challenges. Also Free users have to wait several hours before they can download another file.

Rapidgator supports direct file uploads, FTP uploads and remote uploads. The browser-based file manager can be used to perform basic file management tasks like creating folders and moving files. Rapidgator also has a very generous file size upload limit which, at 5 GB per file, exceeds that of most of its competitors.

Rapidgator also has a FTP server that you can connect to using a FTP client like FileZilla to upload your files more conveniently. All files uploaded via FTP are stored in the root directory of the Rapidgator account.

Rapidgator can download content directly from any http service on the internet and remote download from other file lockers is supported.

Rapidgator is supported by all download managers.

Web Interface
Once you’ve registered with Rapidgator, you can use the intuitive web uploader to transfer single or multiple files to your Rapidgator account. Once the files have been uploaded, you have to manually press the ‘Get link' button to view the sharing links.

The service gives you a couple of options to customize the download links. For instance, instead of the default long URLs you can create short links that use the service’s custom URL shortening service. You can further make them shorter by removing the file name from the URL. The service will also generate BBcode for pasting the URLs in message boards and you can use the interface to add the size of the file along with the URL as well.

By default the service only has the Root folder, where it will upload all files. You can use the web interface to create more folders and then either move the files inside them or directly upload files into the new folders. Rapidgator enables you to share the URL to complete folders as well instead of individual files. However, while the URL will display the list of the files it houses, you’ll have to download the files individually.

Downloading a file has a wait time for Free users that increases exponentially for repeat downloads. Essentially, to enjoy the service for downloads the user must get a premium plan.

Premium Pricing
Like most of its file sharing competitors, Rapidgator has paid Premium and feature restricted Free accounts. The biggest handicaps for Free users are the download restrictions. Not only do Free users have to wait before downloading the file, they get limited speeds, cannot download more than one file at the same time, and cannot use a download accelerator.

None of these limits are present on Premium users who can download files with download managers in multiple threads, and with the option to resume interrupted downloads.

Rapidgator Premium plans are confusing if you don’t understand the service's deletion policy. While it offers big capacity storage for Premium users, the service will automatically delete those files that haven’t been downloaded for the last 60 days. If you want to retain your files virtually forever, you’ll have to trade the unlimited storage space with a limited storage space.

The cheapest Premium account costs $14.99 per month and gets you 1 TB of transfer bandwidth. With this you can either have unlimited storage where the files will be deleted after 60 days of inactivity, or restrict yourself to 3 TB of storage that will never delete your files without your permission. You get similar options for other plans that cost $29.99, $49.99, $69.99 and $99.99 and offer an increasing amount of transfer bandwidth and more permanent storage space.

Rapidgator is like any other file hosting provider, well supported by content uploaders and proven to be reliable since it is online from 2010

Rapidgator offers no security features like end-to-end encryption or password-protection. Also, you can’t preview files in your Rapidgator account before downloading them.

Rapidgator mobiles apps for Android and iOS are pretty basic.